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Europe Jazz Media Chart April

Det er en ny måned, og i disse korona-tider er det viktig at vi har andre ting å holde på med enn konserter og å fly gatelangs. Og med europas jazzredaktører mer eller mindre i isolasjon, får vi tid til å lytte mye på alle platene som kopmmer «ramlende» inn. Og her er hva vi har hørt på den senere tiden:

Mike Flynn, Jazzwise:
ROB LUFT «Life Is A Dancer» (Edition)

Anna Filipieva, Jazz.Ru:
ANNA KOROLEVA «Ocean Inside» (ArtBeat Music)

Jan Granlie, salt-peanuts.eu:
KUZU «Purle Dark Opal» (Aerophonic)

Christine Stephan, Jazzthetik:

Viktor Bensusan, jazzdergisi.com:
ERROLL GARNER «That’s My Kick» (Mack Avenue)

Henning Bolte, Written in Music:
REIJSEGER / FRAANJE / SYLLA «We Were There» (Just Listen Records)

Patrik Sandberg, OrkesterJournalen:
THUNDERCAT «It Is What It Is» (Brainfeeder)

Cim Meyer, Jazz Special:
NILS JANSON «Longitude» (Stockholm Jazz Records)

Lars Mossefinn, Dag og tid:
PER ODDVAR JOHANSEN «The Quiet Cormorant» (Losen Records)

Matthieu Jouan, citizenjazz.com:
LINA ALLEMANO’S OHRENSCHMAUS «Rats and Mice» (Lumo Records)

Axel Stinshoff, Jazz thing:

Luca Vitali, Giornale della Musica:
SHABAKA AND THE ANCESTORS  «We Are Sent Here By History» (Impulse! Records)

Madli-Liis Parts , Muusika:

Paweł Brodowski, Jazz Forum:
ŁUKASZ OJDANA «Kurpian Songs & Meditations» (Audio Cave)

Why did I choose –

Anna Filipieva:
For 20 years, the Russian jazz community knew Anna Koroleva as an inspired alto sax player who also liked to sing. This double album reveals her in a totally new capacity: not a single sax note – she plays piano (in a trio setting with bassist Daria Chernakova and drummer Vartan Babayan,) and does so with a lot of pep and vigor, producing lengthy polyrhythmic, polystylistic grooves. On disc one, she is marrying Latin rhythms with European harmony; on disc two, she is researching ancient folk tunes from the Northern regions of Russia.

Henning Bolte:
The music completely speaks for itself, just listen and immerse!

Paweł Brodowski:
Pianist Łukasz Ojdana is at 29 one of the most interesting young jazz musicians to have emerged on the Polish jazz scene in the last few years. He has already recorded several albums with the revered RGG Trio, but this is his first outing as a leader. A solo piano effort, “Kurpian Songs & Meditations” is his imaginary excursion into the land of Kurpie, a north-eastern region of Poland noted for its unique traditional customs, dances, and slow, wistful melodies. It features ten „Songs” as well as ten loose „Meditations.” Ojdana is enriching and expanding the original folk motifs with his improvisations, daring harmonies, changing rhythms and tempos. A standout piece is „Song IV,” an expressive piano-vocal duet.

Matthieu Jouan:
The combination of electric-bass, drums and trumpet leaves a lot of space and air in this music, lead by the very geniune musician and smart improviser, trumpetist Lina Allemano and her colourfull, bright, smooth and also bold sound. Check her solo Glimmer Glammer on the same record label !

Jan Granlie:
The saxophone player Dave Rempis with Tashi Dorji on guitar and Tyler Damon on drums. Their third recording, and this time, live from The Sugar Maple in Milwaukee. One long song, with a lot of energi and power. I love it!

Patrik Sandberg:
Once again six-string bassvirtuoso, singer and songwriter Stephen Bruner aka Thundercat invites listeners into his eccentric musical world with a hybrid of jazzfusion, neo-soul, r&b and electronica on this fourth album as a leader. Kamasi Washington and Flying Lotus are tight collaborators again, also Steve Arrington, Louis Cole and BadBadNotGood gild this album. It Is What It Is, is a portrait of living with uncertainty and grief.