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Norwegian pianist-composer Andreas Ulvo was commissioned in 2021 to write a composition to the 2022 edition of the Vossa Jazz festival. Ulvo, who is known from the now-defunct Eple Trio and his work with vocalists Solveig Slettahjell and Ingrid Olava, and sax player Karl Seglem,  decided that this composition would reflect his interest in the poems poet-writer-villager-lumberjack Hans Børli (1918-1989). Vindall means blowing or windy in the Eidskog dialect.

The title of this composition and the album captures best its essence, a fresh amalgam of inspirations, sounds, and images blowing from many directions and eras and capturing the beautiful Norwegian countryside in its glory throughout the changing seasons. Ulvo formed a dream team ensemble that realized his sonic vision. This chamber jazz ensemble feels at home playing Norwegian folk music as well as baroque music and pop songs but has its own timeless but unorthodox identity. The Vindall album was recorded at Oslo’s Rainbow studios in 2023, and was mastered by Ulvo’s former Eple Trio’s drummer,  Jonas Howden Sjøvaag, who also did the cover artwork.

Vindall is a seven-part suite that enjoys the strong voices of Ulvo’s ensemble – Giovanna Pessi’s baroque harp, Helga Myher’s Hardanger fiddle, Tanja Orning’s cello, and the more jazz-tinged voices of Ulvo’s piano, Håkon Aase’s violin, Mats Eilertsen’s double bass and Helge Andreas Norbakken’s drums. The music of this ensemble flows organically, and sounds like it leaves enough freedom for the musicians to improvise on its themes. It weaves seamlessly the many beautiful, poetic melodies, inspirations and winds of Vindall into an engaging, often dream-like whole that is greater than its parts but is firmly anchored in the present. An inclusive, compassionate and peaceful Nordic present.

Andreas Ulvo (piano); Helga Myhr (Hardanger fiddle, vocals); Håkon Aase (violin); Tanja Orning (cello); Giovanna Pessi (baroque harp); Mats Eilertsen (double bass); Helge Andreas Norbakken (drums)