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«…and cannot reach the silence»

Rdeča Raketa (Red Rocket in Slovenian) is the Viennese electronic music duo of vocalist and sound artist Maja Osojnik (known as the vocalist of the Viennese art-rock band Broken.Heart.Collector) and sound artist Matija Schellander (who is also a double bass player, known for his work with trumpeter Franz Hautzinger and clarinetist Xavier Charles), working together since 2009, often with dance, theater and film artists. The duo released two albums and one single and created a sound comic performance, «Wendy Pferd Tod Mexiko».

The third album of Rdeča Raketa «…and cannot reach the silence» portrays a dystopian reality, full of doubts and questions, triggered by the Covid-19 lockdowns. It deals with the current world of personal conflicts, misunderstandings, miscommunications and frustrations. It explores forms of violence in interpersonal relationships – physical and verbal, external and self-inflicted, and other forms of power play – the dangerously thin line between giving power to and self-empowerment, subjugation and addiction. This unsettling reality is dressed with abstract yet carefully nuanced collages, often flirting with alien, industrial sounds and heavy, hip-hop beats, where the suggestive spoken word and singing of Osojnik sets the dark, and often sarcastic tone. Rdeča Raketa worked with video artists Patrick K. H. and Ivan Marušić Klif on interweaving images for this album.

The opening piece «the night is spilling across the room..» already cements the close, claustrophobic ambiance with its otherworldly noises and fractured beats. The phrasing and delivery of Osojnik intensify the emotional distress of the narrator, lost in a hopeless relationship. The following «..like gasoline» offers a more dense soundscape with its grinding noises. It parallels the relationship to a series of volatile, exhausting and never satisfying incidents: «… Look at us! Beasts, bottomless pits, never to be full! To be fulfilled. Glued onto each other in sweat, a never-ending pain and evenly spread, at all times…» and finished with a horrific scream: «I am tired». The last piece «waiting it out» is a spacious but brutal drone that resonates the ambiguous sonic and personal themes of this album, but concludes with the narrator finding some peace with herself: «and so I am, above all, and so I have become mine. I know how to find myself by heart, my hair, my mouth, my hand. My breast will not feed me, nor you».

Eyal Hareuveni 

Maja Osojnik (v, live sampling, cd players, field rec), Matija Schellander (modular synth, laptop, mixing).


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