During the Covid-19 pandemic, Slovenian prolific guitarist Samo Šalamon (aka Dr. Jazz) initiated a trio recording – remotely – with two masters – Norwegian double bass player Arild Andersen and legendary American drummer-percussionist Ra Kalam Bob Moses (Pure and Simple, Samo, 2022). This trio performed live only in 2022. This experience led Šalamon to form another trio with Moses, With Serbian, Belgrade-based pianist-keyboard player Hadžimanov. Šalamon and Hadžimanov met during a week-long workshop in Novo Mesto in Slovenia during the Jazzinty festival, and Dances of Freedom was recorded in August 2021.
Hadžimanov is a key figure in the Serbian jazz scene, known as a composer, producer and educator, who continues the work of his Balkan ancestors who, each in their way, left their mark on the music of the Balkans as an unbreakable chain of guardians, interpreters, and new exponents of tradition. Dances of Freedom is structured as a suite of nine, improvised parts that flirt with folk music, local and imagined one. But this album also applies this unassuming and fusion-like approach to charge its music with a timeless atmosphere, with Šalamon alternating between the acoustic guitar and banjo, and the electric guitar, Hadžimanov colors the music with ethereal keyboards and Moses suggesting free, Fourth World grooves. Together they feed each other with a stream of ideas and form an exceptional synergy.
This trio enjoys crisscrossing musical genres and geographic borders and drawing elements from distinct traditions to its inventive benefit (check «Ocean Calimba» and «Indian Base») and in unpredictable manners. These playful and imaginative musical games or dances, with their rich textures and joyful free spirit, make Dances of Freedom a unique and different project from past projects of Šalamon.
Eyal Hareuveni
Samo Šalamon (electric guitars, acoustic guitars, banjo), Vasil Hadžimanov (keyboards, piano), Ra Kalam Bob Moses (drums and percussion)