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«Sylvain Monchocé / Mikaeli Szafirowski»

Sylvain Monchocé is a French multi-instrumentalist improviser who plays flutes, saxophones, The Korean traditional zither-like gayageum, and the daegeum flute. He is interested in musique concrète and has developed unique extended techniques for each of his instruments, producing sounds in between electronics and acoustic, with a special interest in breathing granular sounds, multiphonics, overtones, and silence. He also holds an engineering degree in Optics, a master’s degree in Physics, and a PhD in Plasma Physics. He has played with such left-off-center improvisers as Stephe Flinn, Bart Maris, Paula Sanchez, Daniel Studer, and Christian Moser.

Finnish, Saint-Louis guitarist Mikael Szafirowski is known for expanding the vocabulary of amplified string instruments with extended techniques and by exploring new forms of structure and sound in music. He is looking at other avenues of expression, such as noise, free improvised music, contemporary classical music, and a mix of popular and world music. He has played in the Naked Wolf quintet led by Luc Ex.

The Monchocé and Szafirowski self-titled duo album was recorded at Electronische Studio Basel. Szafirowski was responsible for the recording, mixing, and mastering. It features two extended, intimate but unsettling improvisations – «Pest» and «Kolera», described as made of «broken lines, angular shapes, and open phrases», and, obviously, extended breathing, bowing, and strumming techniques.

These sparse and intricate, conversational improvisations suggest nocturnal atmospheres that occasionally swing briefly with free jazz constructions, especially on «Kolera», but soon gravitated back to their quietness and peacefulness. More often these improvisations merge into abstract forms where the sounds of the flute, saxophone, and the electric guitar merge into the mysterious, dream-like, and gently resonant textures.

Eyal Hareuveni

Sylvain Monchocé (flute, saxophone), Mikael Szafirowski (electric guitar)