Prolific-innovative Catalan percussionist Vasco Trilla likes the solo format. «The Weeping Meadows» is his fourth solo album in the last five years, recorded at Golden Apple Studio, Barcelona, in August 2019, and features one, 34-minutes work. This album is endorsed by another innovative percussionist, pioneer solo percussion improviser Andrea Centazzo, who writes: «Trilla is a minimalist in percussion: each sound is carefully chosen and explored to a limit. He creates a world of larger horizons and open skies where percussion triggers the intensest feelings in the listener».
«The Weeping Meadows» demands full attention to the delicate nuances of Trilla’s idiosyncratic vision. The vibrating-resonations sounds, produced by his drum-set, magnetic tapes, metronomes, and various toys, flow as elastic materials that he sometimes shapes and sculpts, but more often just following their inner rationale and the organic pulse of these sounds, still, always suggesting an arresting narrative. The more you invest in this quiet, meditative listening experience, the more you explore and the more you gain. Trilla knows how to charge the percussive texture not only with seductive, cinematic power but also with healing qualities as if you were going through an enigmatic, spiritual-purifying ritual, especially in its abstract-cryptic segments where this piece flirt with white noises. Eventually, you may find with your neurons recalibrated in a way that will offer a new, brave sonic consciousness.
Eyal Hareuveni
Vasco Trilla (dr, magnetic tape, bells, metronomes, vibrating toys)