Adèle Viret‘s opinion
Adèle Viret has recently been interviewed for the release of her debut album «Close to the Water». The Franco-Brussels cellist reveals a little more of herself in this IWD (International … Les videre
Adèle Viret has recently been interviewed for the release of her debut album «Close to the Water». The Franco-Brussels cellist reveals a little more of herself in this IWD (International … Les videre
“I’ve always loved to sing. Wherever I went, I’d hum or sing something” recalls Natalia Kordiak about her first encounters with music. Natalia is a vocalist, improviser, educator, and event … Les videre
Naíma Acuña is a renowned musical percussionist with a distinctive versatility and personal style of performance. Her exceptional skill has led her to be requested to participate and record in … Les videre
After Adia Vanheerentals (26) graduated on soprano and tenor saxophone from the jazz department of the Antwerp Conservatory, she was selected by Klara Radio as a promising musician for the … Les videre
A portrait is more than a frozen moment, like a photograph; it requires exploration beyond the image. Multi-anchor Clémentine Ristord is a prime example of an artist who must be … Les videre
I heard the young saxophonist Heidi Kvelvane for the first time at the improv festival Tedans (Tea Dance) in Bergen a couple of years ago. It was saxophonist Frode Gjerstad … Les videre
I januar 2012 ba vi på vegne av Jazznytt, om et intervju med Paolo Vinaccia – noe som skulle vise seg overhodet ikke å bli noe intervju. Vi var Johan Hauknes som samtaleansvarlig og Jan Granlie som fotograf.
Den 18. mai 2024 døde bassisten og humørsprederen Palle Danielsson, 77 år gammel. Nok en vegg i det svenske jazzbasshuset er ramlet ut.
Wayne Shorter gikk ut av tiden i går, torsdag 2. mars 2023, 89 år gammel.
Keith Jarrett er en av verdens ledende jazzpianister. Han ble født i Allentown, Pennsylvania i 1945. Han regnes som en av de mest innflytelsesrike og dyktige jazzmusikerne i sin generasjon, … Les videre