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MacArthur Award til Steve Coleman

salt peanuts* gratulerer Steve Coleman (bildet)!
Mac Arthur Foundation utpekte i forrige uke 21 mottakere av årets priser, som tildeles «exceptionally creative individuals with a track record of achievement and the potential for significant contributions in the future». Hver får et stipend på $625 000, utbetalt over en femårsperiode, uten noen form for forpliktelser. Dette skal gi mottakerne «maksimal [kunstnerisk] frihet til å følge sine egne kreative visjoner».

“De som tror at kreativitet er døende, burde studere livsverket til disse ekstra-ordinære nyskaperne som … på forskjellige måter forbedrer våre liv og gjør verden til et bedre sted», sier Cecilia Conrad, Vice President, MacArthur Fellows Program. “Til sammen utvider de våre oppfatninger om hva som er mulig».

En av årets prismottakere er altså saksofonisten Steve Coleman. Han får prisen for «refreshing traditional templates to create distinctive and innovative work in jazz».

«Steve Coleman is an alto saxophonist and composer whose technical virtuosity and engagement with musical traditions and styles from around the world are expanding the expressive and formal possibilities of spontaneous composition.

«Whether performing solo or with his regular ensemble, Steve Coleman and Five Elements, Coleman delivers signature performances of notated works and brings a masterful facility to intricate and complex improvised pieces. His original compositions weave disciplined rhythmic structures, refined tonal progressions, and overlapping and mixed meters into soulful and fluid interpretations. In his improvisational performances, Coleman energizes and updates iconic musical idioms in the creative traditions of luminaries like John Coltrane and Charlie Parker by infusing them with melodic, rhythmic, and structural components inspired by music of the larger African Diaspora, as well as from the continents of Africa, Eurasia, and the Americas (in particular, West Africa, Cuba, Brazil, Europe, India, and Indonesia). His work also draws heavily on inspiration from nature, metaphysics, and science, integrating, for example, patterns derived from the cycles and relationships of the planets in our solar system or, as on Functional Arrhythmias (2013), the pulsating patterns of the human heart.

«Coleman’s commitment to mentorship and community has also distinguished his career. M-Base (Macro-Basic Array of Structured Extemporizations), a cooperative that Coleman co-founded in the mid-1980s and that is still vital today as the non-profit organization M-Base Concepts, Inc., provides a supportive environment for musical experimentation and original performance, and his workshops, seminars, online instruction, and interdisciplinary collaborations encourage younger musicians both here and abroad to push the boundaries of their craft. Influential well beyond the scope of saxophone performance and composition, Coleman is redefining the vocabulary and vernaculars of contemporary music.»

Se også http://www.macfound.org/fellows/911/

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