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Pris til JazzDanmark

I går, torsdag aftes var 130 europæiske jazzspillesteder og -organisationer fra hele Europa samlet på zoom til generalforsamling i Europe Jazz Network.

Der fik JazzDanmark overrakt prisen «Europe Jazz Network Award for outstanding achievements in the area of Music & Community», som tildeles JazzDanmark for deres initiativer indenfor bl.a. kønsbalance og social inklusion.

De sier selv de er pavestolte og glæder os til at arbejde videre med de vigtige områder i fremtiden.

Her er motivationsteksten

«For many years, JazzDanmark has been recognised as a leader in best practice in the area of social inclusion, with a particular emphasis on gender balance in jazz.

Via projects that address the specific topic of empowering women and girls to embrace jazz and by working across diverse, refugee communities, the EJN and the wider jazz community, recognises that JazzDanmark’s engagement with social inclusion is a role model, admired by institutions and organisations across Europe.

JazzDanmark has created sustainable formulas that carry universal messages. By looking into the future and planting the seeds of creativity among the youngest members of different communities and societies, JazzDanmark’s legacy will be heard, seen and felt way into the future.
EJN Board of Directors»

salt peanuts* gratulerer!

Da prisoverrækkelsen foregik digitalt var der ikke meget at tage billede af, så her er et friskt foto af næsten hele JazzDanmarks sekretariat, da de besøgte Summer Session på Krogerup i august.