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«Händelser i en park»

Swedish tenor saxophonist Lisen Rylander Löve and double bass player Alfred Lorinius have crossed each other’s paths for many years in the Gothenburg jazz and improvisation scene. Händelser i en park (events in the park in Swedish) is their first duo album where Löve and Lorinius tell intimate and openly emotional stories about a journey inward where one’s own life experiences contribute to shape the experience, stressed by the cover artwork of Gothenburg artist Jim Berggren.

The ten pieces (six were penned by Löve and four by Lorinius) offer emphatic and unhurried conversations of Löve and Lorinius, both letting themselves indulge completely in the moment and the imagined daily and nocturnal wanders at this sonic park. Löve has a warm and caressing sound that highlights the melodic essence of the pieces while Lorinius has a deep and woody sound that suggests a reserved yet driving rhythmic support. Both enjoy the great acoustics of the Kronoparken church in Karlstad, Lorinius’ hometown, where this album was recorded. The album is released by the Swedish toppkonst label Lorinius is one of its co-founders.

Löve and Lorinius explore gently the possibilities of contrasts in duo dynamics, tension and release, different tonal and sonic structures, or intensity versus ethereal. They play with deep listening while surrendering to the music and allow the acoustic-only setting to lead them through the beautiful sonic park and its many suggestive stories that are so close and so far away, as the last pieces, «Så nära men ändå så långt bort», is titled. We all can benefit from such a park in our lives.

Eyal Hareuveni

Lisen Rylander Löve (tenor saxophone), Alfred Lorinius (double bass)