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Ny plate med fantastiske Jeppe Zeeberg

Den danske pianisten, komponisten, orkesterlederen og pianomagikeren, Jeppe Zeeberg har sendt oss mail. For hanvilha hjelp til å finansiere utgivelsen av hans nye plate. Og det vil vi selvfølgelig gjerne bidra til, og oppfordrer våre lesere til å gå inn på http://kck.st/40G2Ywh for å bidra til at han får utgi denne platen sammen med noen av de mest spennende musikerne i København.

Nder fjorårets Vossa Jazz, som ble arrangert for ganske nøyaktig ett år siden, gjorde hanbåde en fantastisk solokonsert samt konsert med sitt kreative band THE ABSOLUTE PINNACLE OF HUMAN ACHIEVEMENT, som også er grunnpilarene i hans nye innspilling.

Og her er mailen fra Zeeberg:
This is a chance to help me finance the production of my new album. «Occasionally, Good Things Do Happen» will be out this year on vinyl, streaming  and download. I am releasing the album independently, so everything relies on word-of-mouth. When you support the release, you help me spread the word before the album is even out.

As with everything I do, this is a very personal project. Every composition is written by me, I came up with the concept, I am the producer, I made the cover art, I make the coffee, I’m in charge of distribution, I do the business. So, as you can tell, this is important to me. The album is the result of hard work, and I really hope this campaign will bring the money I need to finish the project.

Here is what you need to know about the music:

If you heard my previous albums, you will have some idea of the style of the new one: it’s a mix of different genres, styles, modes of expression – all fit into one carefully crafted piece of sonic art. I’m very proud of the result.

The music is performed by my band Jeppe Zeeberg and the Absolute Pinnacle of Human Achievement, and there is a whole bunch of guest musicians appearing as well. Sometimes up to 17 instruments at a time. I feel very  lucky to have some of the best musicians from Scandinavia playing on the album. The music is written specifically for these musicians.

This is the 8th album released under my own name. The music is the most positive sounding music I have ever done. This wasn’t planned, it just happened that way. I guess the album is «life-affirming music for fucked-up times».

Everything is close to being finished. I am mixing the last tracks right now. The only thing missing is the last bit of money to finish the project.

Every donation will be rewarded with original, carefully constructed music as well as eternal gratitude.

– Jeppe


Henrik Olsson (guitar)
Casper Nyvang Rask (bass, guitar)
Søren Høi (drums, perc)
Jeppe Zeeberg (piano, organ, synth)

Julie Kjær (flute, sax)
Ned Ferm (sax)
Erik Kimestad (trumpet)
Petter Hängsel (trombone, recorder)
Jonas Graverholt (perc)
Oliver Laumann (drums)


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