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«Vannstand» (sea level in Norwegian) is a work-in-progress of Norwegian composer-vocalist-sound artist and an outspoken voice on environmental issues for years Maja S.K. Ratkje, and is a tribute to the slowly pulsating tidal shifts along the Norwegian coast. In this composition, Ratkje gives children in Oslo, Stavanger, Bergen, Harstad, Svartskog and Bodø, the opportunity to reflect and respond musically to their relationship with the coast, the water and the sea.

Ratkje states: «Sometimes you find yourself playing something that grows stronger and stronger, or sounds bigger and bigger. Sea levels may rise significantly, or just a bit, but they will rise. What could be more natural than kids making sounds as part of a composition that’s about our own future?» The cover art, by Ratkje’s daughter, Frida Helene Haltli, «Verden og alt vi har hviler på barna våre» (The world and everything we have rests on our children) answers this question,

«Vannstand» was commissioned originally by nyMusikk and its first realization was a 8 channel sound installation at the Norwegian Opera & Ballett during nyMusikk’s festival Only Connect in 2015 and later continued with more installations. The composition is based on the children’s interpretations of charts of the local sea level measurements, which in turn are interpreted musically by children, all emphasizing «the beauty of imperfection» that the young players bring to the sound. Ratkje recorded, mixed and edited excerpts from the different sound installations, field recordings and added her voice into a nuanced and multidimensional.

«Vannstand»’s eight movements work impressively in all fronts. You can sense the natural and innocent perspective of the children with their many sweet and playful melodies. But at the same time, Ratkje’s subtle and exquisite editing puts the children’s songs in a larger context. «Vannstand» transforms the beautiful children’s songs and turns the complex issue of climate change into vivid and tangible reality, as all the children are already informed about tidal waves – generated, as we know, by the Moon’s gravitational pulls, and experienced changes in sea level – affected by weather systems. Ratkje weaves beautifully the sonic fragments into moving and often tense and alarming dramas, but eventually stresses the effects of our actions as well as the neglect to act, and how active awareness is the first step in the long march to protect the planet.

Eyal Hareuveni 

Maja S.K. Ratkje (sound installation) 

Maja S. K. Ratkje – Vannstand i Bergen from Ny Musikk Bergen on Vimeo.